Five Fantastic Pacific Flyway Public Waterfowling Destinations | Ducks Unlimited (2024)

With a 107-day duck season and seven-bird daily bag limit in the Pacific Flyway again this year, the West may indeed be the best for waterfowl hunters. From the northern coast of Washington to the Salton Sea in Southern California, the Pacific Flyway hosts some of the most impressive concentrations of migrating and wintering waterfowl in the United States. This flyway also boasts a wealth of public hunting opportunities, especially for waterfowlers willing to travel and explore new territory. Following is a sampling of five of the best public waterfowling destinations in the Pacific Flyway.

Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge (Ridgefield, Washington)

Situated along the Lower Columbia River, the 5,300-acre Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is conveniently located only 25 miles north of Portland, Oregon. Waterfowl hunting is allowed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays during Washington's general waterfowl season. With 21 blinds scattered throughout the property, Ridgefield NWR offers a unique experience for waterfowlers. The most commonly harvested species include mallards, northern shovelers, northern pintails, green-winged teal, American wigeon, and cackling geese.

"The hunting here is pretty good earlier in the season, which was unfortunate last year because we had some problems when the government shutdown took place," says refuge biologist Alex Chmielewski. "There are limited public hunting opportunities on the west side of the state, so we draw hunters from as far away as Seattle, and we are full on most Saturdays."

The blinds at Ridgefield NWR are allocated via a lottery system and during daily draws. A second drawing is held at 10 a.m. for blinds vacated by hunters earlier in the morning.

"If you are going to come on the weekend, I'd recommend getting into the lottery," Chmielewski says. "You can go online and learn a lot about the property. We post weekly success reports for each blind, so you can see which blinds are better than others."

For more information about hunting waterfowl on Ridgefield NWR, visit

Sauvie Island Wildlife Area (Sauvie Island, Oregon)

A list of the Pacific Flyway's top public hunting hotspots wouldn't be complete without Sauvie Island Wildlife Area, one of Oregon's most highly regarded waterfowling destinations. Fifteen miles long and four miles wide, Sauvie Island encompasses nearly 26,000 acres, roughly half of which are owned by the state and managed by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) for waterfowl and waterfowl hunting.

"Sauvie Island is famous for its duck hunting," says area manager Mark Nebeker. "We have put a lot of effort into moist-soil units and wetland-based practices."

Public hunting units on the island can accommodate up to 450 waterfowlers. Habitat conditions and weather dictate the best hunting spots on any given day, so scouting is crucial for success.

"I always tell people who are visiting Sauvie Island for the first time to show up at 9 a.m., draw a spot, scout it, and then come back the next day and do the same thing," Nebeker says. "Hunter success increases significantly once you get to know the property."

Hunting spots are allocated via an online reservation system and daily drawings. Walk-in hunting opportunities are also available. Mallards are the most commonly harvested species at Sauvie Island, but pintails, green-winged teal, and American wigeon are also numerous in the area.

"My advice to hunters who would like to try a hunt at Sauvie Island is to be patient," Nebeker says. "There are a lot of people out here, and you have to know what you are doing. If you talk to the staff at the check stations, they will be happy to assist you. If you put in the time, the duck hunting can be fantastic."

For more information about public waterfowl hunting on Sauvie Island Wildlife Area, visit

Delevan National Wildlife Refuge (Colusa, California)

Delevan National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is one of five refuges within the Sacramento NWR Complex. Managed wetlands and uplands on this 5,797-acre refuge provide superb habitat for waterfowl and other wildlife. Public hunting is allowed on 1,922 acres of the refuge, and harvest data clearly show that Delevan NWR ranks among the nation's top public waterfowling destinations.

"Of all the refuges in the area, Delevan probably has the highest duck-per-hunter average," says refuge manager Steve Emmons. "I think that has a lot to do with the way the hunting areas are laid out. There are no-hunting refuges north and south of the hunting areas so birds move through the entire area."

With such a high success rate, it's no surprise that Delevan NWR is a popular destination among waterfowlers, hosting 6,268 hunters during the 2013minus;2014 season alone. Emmons recommends applying for a spot through the online reservation system, but hunting opportunities are also allocated during daily drawings at the refuge.

"At one time, Delevan was the most difficult place to draw a reservation in the entire state," Emmons says. "That had a lot to do with the high success rate, but also the variety of hunting opportunities available on the refuge, which include staked hunting sites, two pit blinds, 16 blinds, 10 assigned ponds, and multiple "free-roam" areas. To get a spot, I'd recommend arriving on Tuesday night and getting into the lottery for a Wednesday morning hunt."

For more information about public waterfowl hunting on Delevan NWR, visit

View Delevan NWR maps in PDF format.

Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge (Brigham City, Utah)

Surrounded by the high desert of northern Utah, the marshes of the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge and surrounding state-owned lands provide crucial molting and migration habitat for millions of Pacific Flyway waterfowl and shorebirds. These wetlands also support almost 60 percent of the continental breeding population of cinnamon teal. The refuge encompasses nearly 80,000 acres of marsh, uplands, open water, and alkali mudflats. While only portions of the refuge are open to waterfowling, the hunting can be phenomenal in these areas when conditions are right. Mallards, gadwalls, pintails, green-winged teal, and a variety of diving ducks are the most abundant species on the refuge during the waterfowl season.

Local waterfowler Jeff Bringhurst, who has hunted in this area for nearly 15 years, has the following advice for visiting waterfowlers. "Bear River refuge offers a variety of opportunities to hunt by boat, airboat, or walking in," he says. "But it's important to get here early because the number of hunters isn't limited by reservations or drawings. It's also important to scout before you hunt because the area is so big."

In addition to the refuge, good public waterfowl hunting is available on adjacent state-managed properties and the Great Salt Lake itself. "We typically hunt the refuge and some of the surrounding state areas until they freeze, and then move out into the lake," Bringhurst says. "The Great Salt Lake is shallow, so I remind people to be careful. If the wind picks up, it can get dangerous. There are several hunters who get stranded out there every season."

For more information about waterfowl hunting on Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, visit

Los Banos Wildlife Area (Los Banos, California)

Los Banos Wildlife Area consists of 6,217 acres managed by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. This property is located in the San Joaquin Valley's legendary Grasslands, the largest freshwater marsh complex west of the Mississippi River. Los Banos's green-winged teal flights can be epic, as these fast-flying migrants flock to their historical wintering grounds here late in the season.

"Los Banos Wildlife Area is a great place to hunt, and the property has a variety of seasonal, semi-permanent, permanent, and riparian wetlands," says Chris Hildebrandt, a DU regional biologist in California. "The predominant birds are green-winged teal, but you can also expect to see northern shovelers, northern pintails, American wigeon, and mallards. There are even some larger wetlands with good diving duck hunting as well."

Los Banos Wildlife Area offers a combination of reservation and walk-in hunting opportunities. Applicants had a nearly 1-in-7 chance of being drawn for a hunting spot during the 2013minus;2014 season.

"If you are new to the area and you have a reservation on a particular day, I would recommend hunting one of the spaced-blind locations," Hildebrandt says. "These hunting areas are easy to find, and you won't have to compete with other hunters."

Hildebrandt says that seasoned waterfowlers typically hunt the "free-roam" areas. The best locations for mallards and gadwalls are wetlands with thick emergent vegetation. Weather patterns, the status of the migration, and habitat conditions can all impact the quality of the hunting.

"As the season progresses, the weather will determine where the best hunting locations are found," he explains. "The mallard hunting is better earlier in the season, while the green-winged teal numbers are spectacular later in the season. The variety and quality of the hunting is what makes Los Banos a great public area."

For more information about public waterfowl hunting on Los Banos Wildlife Area, visit

(Editor's note: Severe drought conditions throughout the Pacific Flyway may impact waterfowl habitat conditions and hunting opportunities in unprecedented ways. Many public hunting areas have strategic water plans in place, but some of them-including locations listed in this article-may have limited hunting opportunities during the 2014minus;2015 waterfowl season. Check with the appropriate government agencies for the latest updates on habitat conditions and hunting opportunities before planning a hunt on these areas this fall.)

Learn about destinations in the other flyways:




Five Fantastic Pacific Flyway Public Waterfowling Destinations | Ducks Unlimited (2024)


Which flyway kills the most ducks? ›

With a vibrant duck hunting culture, the Mississippi Flyway is home to nearly half of the duck hunters in the United States, and collectively they account for 40 to 50 percent of the nations annual duck harvest.

What is the best flyway for waterfowl? ›

The Pacific Flyway is the longest and most diverse flyway, stretching from the North Slope of Alaska all the way into Mexico and beyond.

What town in North Dakota has the best duck hunting? ›

Woodworth named for a Railroad executive when it was founded in 1911, Woodworth has some of the best duck hunting right outside of town. Famous for its duck production and excellent local Canada goose populations in the Central Flyway. Ducks include mallards, pintail, gadwall, redheads, bluebills, widgeon.

Where is the best public land for duck hunting in Kansas? ›

Located near the city of Great Bend in central Kansas, Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area has become synonymous with waterfowl hunting, and as one of the largest inland marshes in the United States, this 20,000-acre wetland complex provides a variety of hunting opportunities for freelancers waterfowlers.

What is the most vicious duck? ›

They can be aggressive and are capable of chasing off predators like petrels. Bloody battles of steamer ducks with each other over territory disputes are observed in nature. They even kill waterbirds that are several times their size.

What is the hardest duck to shoot? ›

Black-Bellied Whistling and Mottled Ducks

In my opinion, killing a fulvous whistling duck is the hardest of all species, with the black-bellied whistler not far behind.

What is the most sought after waterfowl? ›

Mallard. The most sought after duck on our list, the mallard provides a good amount of meat but requires a little preparation.

What is the fastest flying waterfowl? ›


The fastest duck ever recorded was a red-breasted merganser that attained a top airspeed of 100 mph while being pursued by an airplane. This eclipsed the previous speed record held by a canvasback clocked at 72 mph.

What flyway has the most geese? ›

Current estimates suggest there are approximately 3.6 million resident Canada geese in North America: 1.1 million in the Atlantic Flyway; 1.3 million in the Mississippi Flyway; 1.1 million in the Central Flyway; and 0.1 million in the Pacific Flyway.

What is the duck capital of North Dakota? ›

Cando, ND, "Duck Capital of North Dakota" is centrally located in the Prairie Pothole Regions of the state. Cando's location makes it an excellent center for outdoor activities, such as first class fishing, big game and waterfowl hunting, as well as bird watching and nature photography.

Is North or South Dakota better for duck hunting? ›

So, as always, North Dakota is the place for waterfowl hunting. The North American Central Flyway goes right through here. It is one of the busiest routes for birds of all feathers heading between northern Canada and the Gulf Coast or beyond.

Are creeks good for duck hunting? ›

Hunt ducks in places where traditional waterfowl water just doesn't exist, and streams, creeks and/or ditches may be the only habitat around. Leverage the opportunity of migrating birds coming through an area not otherwise known for its duck hunting.

Can you shoot ducks on the water in Kansas? ›

It is legal to take migratory game birds including waterfowl, coots, and cranes, on or over the following lands or areas that are not otherwise baited areas: standing crops or flooded standing crops (including aquatics);

Where are the most ducks killed? ›

Though dropping significantly from the 2019-2020 harvest of 1.1 million ducks to 889,000 in 2020-2021, Arkansas maintained the top harvest in the flyway. Last season's duck harvest in Louisiana jumped by 24 percent over the previous year to 752,200 and placed it firmly in the second spot.

Where is duck eaten the most? ›

Duck is particularly predominant in the Chinese cuisine—a popular dish is Peking duck.

What is the most hunted duck in America? ›

Mallard - The drake Mallard duck is the most sought-after duck in North America.

What state shoots the most wood ducks? ›

California duck hunters shot 929,800 ducks, edging out Arkansas waterfowlers, who took 915,900 ducks. California waterfowlers averaged a high of 21.1 ducks per hunter, while Arkansas hunters took the most mallards at 389,125. Texas hunters shot the third-most ducks at 694,200, while Louisiana came in next at 614,000.

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